ndoubtedly Steve Jobs is inked into history with the greats - Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin and other inventors. But just as much, he also successfully turned around two major businesses and built two from the ground up, which is overshadowed by his product brilliance. How did he do both - he lived his own life and was not afraid ...

As many of us know, last week Oracle filed suit against Google regarding what it believes to be a series of patent infringements by the search and mobile phone giant. While many are angry at Oracle, sensing an attack of the open source community, I’d like to take a different look at what has gone on. A bit of history and what the lesson could be for open ...

While any computer scientist would quickly agree to the benefits of representing financial terms as a software program, lawyers having seen the value of such an idea at the SEC deserves kudos. A new SEC proposal calls for Asset Back Securities (ABS) registration in EDGAR to include data in XML markup with the waterfall model implemented as Python code. This is a great idea for transparency. It ...

twitter /'twit-er/ (n.) Opt-in instant messaging spam. (v.) To make oft inconsequential chatter. he buzz around