

recent client engagement focused on a pivot strategy based on a 5 year product and service launch history. Through mapping services and their resulting characteristics to an adoption quadrant, we were able to clearly see certain trends in market selection, success rates, revenue and profit results which the client had previously not realized. How can this be an ...


With a significantly reduced cost of doing business, compared to traditional brick and mortar upstarts, the software as a service business has leveraged the "free" model of doing business. While powerful in its ability to create service exposure, this model is also the death knell of startups that miss that "free customers" are not, in fact, customers but rather beneficiaries.


Emergent business initiatives are steeped in continuous learning and discovery. The traditional business plan focuses more on planning with conventional models, where a well defined and executed plan is the key to success. If you’re thinking of writing a business plan, stop and consider from where success may come. ot only did I experience the traditional business school classes, but furthermore wrote at least two significant (and traditional) business plans ...


Old People Suck at Startups

During a recent interview over at Tech Crunch, Michael Arrington exclaimed, “Old People Suck at Startups”. The backdrop - a conversation on startup myths - had interesting data on the age and entrepreneur experience which drew from startups at $25M+ and $500M+ actual or potential exit values. The breakpoint for “old” was age 30. If you’re over 30 (or 40 or 50 … or …) you might take ...